Introducing the Short Film “Bottle George”

“Bottle George”

This is a film by Akihiro Nishino, an artist I deeply admire.
The attached video is the official making-of footage (shared with permission).
The film has been shortlisted for the 97th Academy Awards, and I must say it’s a truly remarkable work. I feel honored to introduce it here.

The theme is addiction. The protagonist is a character who lives inside a liquor bottle.
Personally, having gone through a time when I struggled with a family member’s alcohol dependency, the film struck a chord with me. The small girl featured in the story leaves a particularly strong impression, one that resonates deeply. I imagine many viewers will share similar feelings after watching it.

Of course, the artistic brilliance of the film is beyond words. The stop-motion animation technique, as shown in the making-of footage, was adopted because Mr.Nishino, as the executive producer, decided to embrace the challenge, saying, “I want to take on the tedious process deliberately.”
Knowing Mr.Nishino’s approach as an artist, I can say this reflects his philosophy: he takes the more challenging path to elevate his motivation and pursue his ideals. This is what defines Akihiro Nishino as an artist.
I respect him deeply, and his pride in this way of life shines through in his works. I hope many of you will experience this for yourselves.

The visual beauty of this film is also remarkable, especially in its dedication to color design. As an amateur artist myself, I have a modest grasp of this craft, and it’s evident how much thought and skill went into creating the visuals.
When I saw the coloring process in the making-of footage, I thought, “I’ve never seen such mastery, even in the finest illustration works.”
(Some parts of the making-of can be viewed on the official website, so I encourage you to take a look. Here’s the link.)
The warmth and nostalgic atmosphere of the film capture the essence of “Bottle George’s” world. Each scene eloquently conveys its content and the emotions of the characters. This was a deliberate choice by the production team to tell the story through means other than dialogue, considering the silent film format.

I may have gone on at length, but I hope I’ve conveyed just how deeply I feel about this film and how much I support Akihiro Nishino as an artist.
I wholeheartedly wish for this outstanding work to be loved worldwide and to receive the honor it deserves at this year’s Academy Awards.


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